We represent 43 large Further Education Colleges with a strategic interest in Higher Education

If you want to write to us about a particular matter, please contact the MEG Chair, Dr Sam Parrett CBE.

MEG provides a focus for teachers and managers in HE in FE to share ideas, develop policy and work together to ensure that Colleges offer the highest quality courses for their students.

We represent 43 of the largest Further Education Colleges

MEG provides a focus for College Based Higher Education providers to meet, discuss and share good practice and to receive up to date information and advice on Higher Education matters. The meetings are split between members’ only business and updates from guests representing Government agencies, funding and quality bodies and other HE providers and influencers. Our meetings are informal, collaborative and focus on improving professional practice for the benefit of CBHE students and staff.


Our Membership

The Chair is elected by ballot of member colleges immediately after the summer term meeting. Candidates must be a serving Principal of a member college. The Chair holds office three years, commencing on 1 August.

Twitter Feed

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Follow @MixedEconGroup


A message from our Chair

We are referred to as the MEG colleges by Government departments, funding bodies and other membership groups and comprise 43 of the largest CBHE providers in England and Wales. We trace our origins to a core group who began to discuss HE in FE in the mid 1990s. Higher Education offered in Colleges of Further Education is an established , growing and responsive part of the wider higher education landscape offering value for money HE courses which are available locally and responsive to the needs of employers.

Dr Sam Parrett CBE
Chair, Mixed Economy Group

Contact Us

If you want to discuss a particular matter please contact the MEG Chair, Dr Sam Parrett CBE.