Policies, Research & Consultations
MEG responds to developments in College Based Higher Education (CBHE) by responding to consultations but also undertakes and commissions selective research for the benefit of members and the wider CBHE community . We also publish articles designed to stimulate discussion and raise awareness of CBHE matters. This section of the website includes:
Individual MEG member colleges have an active interest in research and scholarly activity and many hold annual HE in FE research conferences in partnership with their local universities. Examples of work completed in-house by HE teaching staff will be posted on this part of the site.
MEG members contribute significantly to the research that is undertaken about College based HE. As a group we have been funded to write a number of papers or research documents and these can be found in this part of the website. For ease of access, the most recent is listed first.
Members’ Small Scale Research Projects
MEG Case Studies. Overcoming the challenge – recruiting and retaining staff teaching in College Based Higher Education. click here to access the link
The Experiences of Students from the Black Asian Minority Ethnic Community Clara Fatoye, BSc, MA, AFHEA. University Campus Oldham
The Impact of Research Networks on Professional Identity. Harriet Burt & Kelly Winfield. Loughborough College
Higher Expectations: An Analysis Of The Perception Gap Of Higher Education Students In A Further Education College. M. Gallagher, M. Page and K. Weaver. City College Norwich
Changing with the Times: An Evaluation of Hybrid Online Teaching and Learning with Suggestions for Improving Delivery. Dr. Kevin Bingham, Lliam Dickinson and Luke Hellewell. Barnsley College
An investigation into the viability of documenting teaching observations through video recordings that support andragogical practice in teacher training settings. Richard Hall – Higher Education Scholarship Manager. New College Durham
Defining Higher Education ‘Identity’ within a Further Education Environment. Dr Catherine Trenchfield. South Thames College Group
“But does this go into my essay?”: A Project to implement a learning through cocreation approach in college based HE. Russ Woodward and Nathan Michael TEC Partnership
Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on University Campus Oldham (UCO) students’ use of the UCO Learning Resource Centre. University Campus Oldham
Reviewing college-based HE assessment and moderation practices in response to Covid and national policy changes. University Centre South Devon
The potential for updating vocational higher lecturers’ occupational knowledge via digital technology. Bedford College
Student perceptions of the importance of embedding wellbeing within the Higher Education environment UCSE
Graduate Employability in a Coastal Town – A study of effective employability activities and student views on graduate employability TEC Partnerships
An investigation into the impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on mental health services in a College Based Higher Education (CBHE) setting Newcastle College University Centre
MEG Research Projects
This research identified an increased demand on the College’s mental health support services for students during the pandemic. The pivot to online support has brought significant benefits, including: continuity of support, more inter-agency and inter- departmental approaches, the removal of barriers to access for some student groups, and prioritising student mental health awareness with all college staff. Written by colleagues at the Newcastle College University Centre for the MEG Small Scale Research Projects. June 2021
MEG Briefing. Progression to Higher Education: the distinctive role of FECs. February 2021
This paper briefly highlights examples of work undertaken in colleges to encourage progression to Higher Education and illustrates how FECs are distinctively equipped and placed to deliver progression opportunities to students from widening participation backgrounds.
Reforms for a ‘Revolutionary’ Post-16 White Paper Campaign for Learning. September 2020. Julia Wright and Mark Corney (Editors)
John Widdowson Higher Technical Education: An Alternative to Full-Time Three-Year Degrees
In their own words: Further Education College managers’ perspectives on university partnerships
A snapshot from the Mixed Economy Group (MEG) illustrating college based higher
education partnership working including guidance on good practice.
Participants in the Case Studies were chosen from a cross section of MEG members and provide exemplars of current management practice. Good practice and high quality provision is widespread across the MEG family of colleges and those featured here were not selected exclusively for the quality of their provision and delivery. Instead, they are a representative cross section of MEG members in terms of geographical location and size of HE student cohorts. Each College has adapted to its local context, environmentally, socially and economically and developed its CBHE offer and management strategies accordingly. Many face stiff competition from HEIs and neighbouring colleges. Most draw students from socially deprived areas.
Higher Apprenticeships and Degree Apprenticeships Analysis of summer 2018 survey
The paper sets out the findings from a series of interviews with MEG representatives conducted in 2018, aimed at establishing the extent of their involvement in the delivery of Degree Apprenticeships. It looks at the motivations for offering Higher and Degree Apprenticeships, the involvement of employers in both programmes, and the relationships with partner universities in the delivery of Degree Apprenticeships. Practical issues such as staff development, college organisational structures and the expectations of Degree Apprentices are also considered.
A different view: the experiences of International students studying HE in a college setting.
This paper reports the findings of a survey carried out in 2017-18 into the views of
International students who are studying for HE qualifications in a publically-funded college
rather than a university setting. 2019
Case study: HE academic support service
The multi-college project at New College Durham, Sunderland College and Darlington College has put in place HE Academic Support Tutors to provide a positive study skills support experience that enhances student learning, boosts engagement with course content, and raises students’ confidence and resilience. 2019
Higher Education in Further Education: Leading the Challenge
John Widdowson CBE & Madeleine King FETL Monograph 2018
‘Facing the Future: Responding to Change in College Based Higher Education’
John Widdowson CBE & Madeleine King 2017
Exploring Scholarship and scholarly activity in college-based Higher Education
Madeleine King, Dr. Jane Davis, Carl Flint and John Widdowson CBE 2014
Scholarly Activity in Higher Education delivered in Further Education:
A study by the Mixed Economy Group of colleges Madeleine King and John Widdowson. December 2009
Higher viewpoints: studying Higher Education in a Further Education College Consultations
An analysis of student experiences. Madeleine King, Dr. Arti Saraswat and John Widdowson CBE 2014
A review of careers education, information advice and guidance arrangements for Higher Apprentices from an FE college perspective. Madeleine King and Jill Ward 2013
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning.
The experiences of students studying higher education on a part time basis in English further education colleges. Madeleine King, Arti Saraswat and John Widdowson. 2015
Filling the Polytechnic size hole: the role of colleges
John Widdowson 2013
What is Higher Vocational Education and how do we define it?
Marina Parha 2013
What is Higher Vocational Education and how do we define it? ‘Inside looking out’
Dr. Sarah Shobrook 2013
Inspiring Individuals: teaching higher education in a further education college
Exploring the pedagogy of HE delivery in an FE setting John Widdowson and Madeleine King 2012
Shaping the future: opportunities for HE provision in FE colleges
A report by the Mixed Economy Group of colleges and the 157 Group. 2012
Madeleine King, Maldwyn Buckland, Maggie Greenwood, Simon Ives and Anne Thompson. 2010
MEG’s response to consultations affecting HE in FE can be found here:-
Call for evidence Approach to OfS public grant funding May 2024
Mixed Economy Group response to Disabled Student Commitment formal consultation – December 2022
MEG response to OfS NSS Phase Two Consultation
Mixed Economy Group response to the Consultation on OfS Strategy (2022-25)
MEG response to OfS consultation on regulating quality and standards in Higher Education (Jan. 2021)
MEG response to the OfS on the integrity of the HE sector May 2020
MEG response to the recent OfS consultation on Access and Participation
MEG 2018 HADA Survey Exec. Summary
The following organisations may be of interest to anyone involved in the delivery of HE in FE.
Government Departments
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy note was (BIS)
Department for Education (DfE)
Funding Councils
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) archive material
Useful sources of data and research:
Association for Research in Post Compulsory Education
British Educational Research Association ( BERA )
UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) archive only
Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC)
Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE)
The National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB)
Australian Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes
Have any Informal Enquires?
Please use the contact form below to send us any informal queries you may have.
Contact Us
If you want to discuss a particular matter please contact the MEG Chair, Dr Sam Parrett OBE.