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MEG response to consultation on review of Higher Technical Qualifications (Levels 4/5)

To read the response click here

MEG feedback to DfE re. Level 4/5 Higher Technical Qualifications reforms following meeting with Cheryl Mendes (DfE)

To read the feedback click here

MEG response to OfS consultation on implementing teaching grant budget savings in academic years 2019-20 and 2020-21

To access the response click here

Unheard: the voices of part-time adult learners-John Butcher HEPI

This HEPI paper aims to promote a re-think about the decline in
part-time higher education in England. Most part-time learners
are mature students, and the oft-reported drop in part-time
student numbers can be viewed as a proxy for the retreat of
older learners from higher education. A succession of reports
has been published identifying the dramatic loss of part-time
numbers. Despite the persuasiveness of the quantitative data
cited, policymakers have yet to reverse the decline.

To read the full report click here